Ne glej stran: Napadi pošast pod posteljo!
24,00€Knjiga pred vami ne vsebuje samo besed, ampak tudi materine solze, upanje in neštete neprespane noči. Opisuje osebno izkušnjo uspešne poslovne ženske, slaščičarke in psihoterapevtke, ki je kot mama pripravljena premikati gore, da bi svojemu otroku zagotovila srečno in normalno življenje, brez omejitev, ki pestijo tako veliko otrok s posebnimi potrebami. Njena izpoved pa ne opiše samo vzponov in padcev v spopadanju s hčerino diagnozo avtizma, temveč poudari tudi lasten boj z multiplo sklerozo, čemur sledi terapevtski vpogled v to, kako preživeti zunanje in notranje bitke, ne glede na vrsto travme. Čeprav so opisane zgolj osebne izkušnje avtorice, pa je knjiga zgovoren primer, da je z dovolj ljubezni, sočutja in predanosti, mogoče premagati še tako veliko oviro.
Don’t look away: Fight the MonSter under your bed!
24,00€The book in front of you holds not only words, but a mother’s hope, tears, and countless sleepless nights. As diligent a businesswoman as a baker and therapist, follow her story as a mother who would move mountains to secure a good life for her child, one devoid of the scrutiny and limitations that plague so many special needs kids’ lives. This work not only catalogues the ups and downs of her daughter’s autism diagnosis, but also highlights her own struggles with multiple sclerosis, followed by a therapist’s insight on how to overcome one’s struggles, both internal and external, along with any type of trauma. Though her experiences are her own, her book is a prudent example that with enough love, compassion, and effort, any hurdle can be overcome.